SWORDMASTER was formed in summer 1993 by Nightmare (guitars) and Whiplasher (vocals). Having big troubles with the line-up, the band - after only one rehearsal - recorded a couple of tracks just for fun. Even though the songs weren't supposed to come out to any labels, they did. Several record labels got their hands on the tape and wanted to sign SWORDMASTER. The band finally became complete with Inferno on drums and the infamous Thunderbolt on bass. SWORDMASTER then signed to FULLMOON Productions (Florida,USA) and recorded their well-known MCD "Wraths of Time", in spring '95, which has been completely sold out, again and again. The line-up was changed when Inferno left SWORDMASTER to join DISSECTION. For a short time SWORDMASTER rehearsed with Ole Öhman (Ex- DISSECTION) on drums, but things didn't work out, not until the bringer of chaotic battery, Nicky Terror (SACRAMENTUM, DEATHWITCH) joined the crew. In February 1996 the band recorded two tracks for compilation albums, the tracks were "Claws of Death" and "Metallic Devastation", which were produced and engineered by Andy La Rocque of KING DIAMOND. These tracks led the band to sign for OSMOSE Productions, France. In December 1996 the band recorded their first jawbreaking full-length album"Postmortem Tales" in Los Angered Recording, Gothenburg, produced and engineered by Andy La Rocque. In April 1997 the band went into the studio to record a MCD - "Death Rider 2000". Summer 1997 the band appeared on the "With A Dragons Blaze Festival Open Air" in Belgium. SWORDMASTER have got a new guitarist Ricky Corpse. The man who joined the crew as session guitarist on the European tour is now a full member. And now read the interview with Whiplasher.

OK let's go with a simple question. What was the reason for you for departure from Fullmoon Productions to Osmose Productions?
- Simply 'cause Osmose had more to offer. A bigger label has bigger potential, and with Osmose we could definetely reach out to a bigger audience, and has...
The vinyl version of your "Deathrider 2000" has two bonus tracks. What these songs are and where they're taken from?
- First of all, we changed the title of the MCD to DEATHRAIDER. Well, one is a remix of "Black Ace" from the "Postmortem Tales" album, and it's simply called "The Black Ace". Then it's a song called "Whiskey Driver", which is a pure rock n' roll gutripping shitsteaming alcozomficated normal tune. I deeply recommend you guys out there to try to get your hands on the gatefolded vinyl, 'cause it's strictly limited to 1000 copies. And as usual - what is a CD comparising to a LP?
Describe us your lyric conception? It seems to me is not typical for bands now?
- It's about the ways of pure death and metallic hate. I write about the bone in a life of darkness. I really can't see what's so fascinating about writing lyrics about places called "LKUGILY;:" and deep forests where some fucking troll is jerking off. But, of course, this obviously has it's sweet charm to someones too. It was cool when Dark Throne started to build the core of those northern, mystic, lyrical themes, but nowadays I just think it's worn out. 'Cause many bands just write a lot of cool names in a row and in the end it doesn't mean shit. Fuck it. If you wanna play hard rock you got to rock hard.
In most editions your music described as Thrash Metal of 80s. And as for me your music is Death Metal with thrash elements. And how you can explain us your style?
- Well, as usual advocate the genre is up to the listener, but I've always said that SWORDMASTER plays Death Metal. We've always used a lot of thrash influences, so you are totally right when it comes to describing our music as death metal with thrash influences. Our upcoming full-length album on Osmose (1999) is going to be much, much tougher.
Nowadays appears a big number of bands playing thrash metal of old days. For example: INFERNÖ, GEHENNAH, GUILLOTINE, DEFLESHED, etc. What do you think about these bands?
- Well, I really haven't heard more than one song from INFERNÖ, which was cool. I live in the same city as GEHENNA, so we get around some times, but I haven't heard their latest two albums actually. I don't know why but it's just the way it is. Anyway, I haven't heard nothing from the rest of the bands, but Spider from GUILLOTINE is a damn cool guy though.
Any favourite reads or movies that might have inspired you somewhat?
- Yeah, but no particular movie or book. Just ideas that can pop up within two sentences in a book, or one comment in a movie.
Do you play live often? What kind of bands do you prefer to play with?
- We haven't played live since the WORLD DOMINATION TOUR, so it's been a while now. But those bands where fucking cool (DARK TRANQUILLITY, ENSLAVED, BEWITCHED, DELLAMORTE, DEMONIAC).
What was the influence of SWORDMASTER? Can you name some bands before SWORDMASTER in which you played?
- Yeah, before SWORDMASTER it was only demolevel, when we didn't even send stuff to labels or so, just because we didn't want to. Then we played the more brutal, slow death metal and the band names where like...MALICIOUS INFERNAL, FINAL TWILIGHT and so on...
What's your opinion about nowadays Swedish Death/Black scene? It seems to me they sound very similar one to another.
- It is partly true, 'cause you have what is known as the "Gothenburg Sound", which is a pretty melodical and not as tough/hard soundpicture as the death metal rooted in Stockholm. But I think SWORDMASTER has managed to not fall into any of those two labels.
What is your view on life after death?
- NOT.
Swing your sword for an end.
- Good luck with your 'zine, and hold your swords and penises high!