Kaivs is a very young but promising death metal band from Italy. They released their debut EP last year and new songs are already in full swing. My questions were answered by Max Foam (vocals) and Tiziano Mortician (guitar).

To start off, talk a little bit about the founding of Kaivs. When and what motivated you to start the band? Please introduce each member to the readers. By the way, what does the name of your band mean?
Max: The will of death metal! That move started this band! We write albums and songs in steamroller style!
Tiziano: I discovered them when I've been texted by Max in June or July 2022, all members were already in and he asked me to join them playin' guitar. I said yes and after a while, I met the others. Kaivs is the name of a demon as far as I know.
"Horrend" is the title of the 3-song debut EP, which was released in February 2023. To my surprise, it has a completely old-school death metal feel. Was it a conscious decision from the beginning that you would play this kind of music, or did it just come naturally?
Max: Both of your premises are right! We want to be much as old school as we can be, as for the overall sound and for the rest including artworks, lyrics and much more! In the end, I think that all we did... well, it's the fruit of a natural choice, which came without any external pressure! We just do what we want!
Tiziano: It came naturally, in my opinion, we figured it out when the first songs were leading that way. Ultimate step was the addition of a monstrous sound like HM-2.
During the song "Sepulchrist" I found some kick drum/trigger issues, where the bass drum disappeared for a few parts. What happened? Couldn't this be fixed afterwards?
Max: Huh? What! Never noticed that! Gotta hear it quickly if you're right or it was just a false impression! However, "Sepulchrist" is always brought up, the song our fans love to feature in their videos the most... by the way... it always seems to be something wrong with it! Pretty strange, isn't it?!
The band logo looks great. Who made it? The same applies to the cover art of "Horrend" which by the way was quite reminiscent of Dan Seagrave's style. How do you see it and how does the cover relate to your lyrics?
Max: Oh yes, the cover was made by Juanjo Castellano, who's maybe very near to Seagrave's style! It's gonna be a great appreciation to his craft! For a long time, I glued my eyes to certain illustrations of early Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd and King Crimson! Full of details, so what a record is without an awesome cover art? I want great illustrations for my albums!
Speaking of lyrics. They are quite dark and satanic. Where do you get your inspiration these days?
Max: Nothing of satanic, if you mean about "Krushing All Altars". Well, it's a song about medieval inquisition throughout Europe during those years. It's something like my historic opinion about that, after some studies of the topic, you know! I just write only about what sucks in life as there's nothing to wonder more I think!
I see you play a total of 9 songs live, so are you planning to record a full album anytime soon? Since you self-released the EP, will the next material be released by a record label or will you continue to self-finance your releases?
Max: One does not exclude the other... Maybe, who knows... I don't know how things will be in the future about this situation. There are still things need to be fixed, and that needs time indeed!
Tiziano: A full-length album has already been recorded during last summer, but we don't know yet about how and who will release it.
What's the atmosphere like when you play live? What can death metal fans expect from a Kaivs show? Do you play live a lot anyway?
Tiziano: Yes, all of us like to play live besides the few occasions happened. People can expect a totally 90's old school death metal show, played as well and furiously as possible.
Max: Energy! Fuck you attitude! Moshpit, stagediving and headbanging! Adrenaline! Totally insane and fuckin' hardcore, man!
You are from Rome. I'm sure there are a lot of metal bands out there. So what's the underground scene like now, can you recommend some great bands?
Max: There are some great bands here! The list would be too long, confusing and annoying.
Let's talk a little about the music you like. What bands do you like to listen to these days? What was the last concert you went to?
Max: Too many! Last year, I found amazing the new album from Suicide Silence! By now I'm relaxing... winding down with the new Mario Biondi's album, "Crooning Undercover" just kicks ass! Then, I just got in my hands Idle Ruin, who's really a weird band, really interesting! I usually dig in the underground, to discover new and old surprises! Discogs helps to purchase such rarities!
Tiziano: If I remember correctly, the last one I went to was Fleshcrawl, whereas lately I've been listening to the same stuff every other day.
At the end, please reveal your future plans and send your greetings to the readers.
Tiziano: I hope great things lie ahead, not just for me, but for all of us, including personal and collective goals. Have a good one you all, folks!
Max: Hoping to have our new album out very soon... and touring too... wherever and whenever it's possible!