Emerging from the depths of the Canadian Black/Grind/Death Metal scene, comes HORDE OF WORMS. HORDE OF WORMS combines a potent mixture of extreme music to create their own unique brand of Metal. Utilizing speed, melody, texture and mood, the songs rip caverns in the listeners mind, soul and ears, leaving them salivating for more. HORDE OF WORMS are continuing the tradition of their predecessors, while carving their own brutal path into the future. HORDE OF WORMS was formed by three friends in the Spring of 1996. Then the line-up was the following: Alexander Erhardt (guitars/backing vocals/battery), Brent Assoun (guitars/backing vocals/battery) and Chris Stepniewski (lead vokills and throat cancer). Their debut album "Horde of Worms" was out in 1998 and released by Alexander's own label namely BLOODBUCKET Productions. By now their line-up is filled up by the force of Gord McCubbin (bass) and they plan to write music together for a long period of time. The horde of questions were answered by the collaboration of all the members of HORDE OF WORMS. Read these lines and discover the aggression and brutality HORDE OF WORMS offers you.

First of all, tell us a little bit about the bandmembers of HORDE OF WORMS (Age, job, interests, etc.).
Alexander: HORDE OF WORMS hail from Canada. The ages of the members range from 24 to 32. Everyone works full time jobs. We have a wide variety of intrests ranging from hockey and motorcross to drugs, drinking and chasing women!! But of course musick is our true calling.
Your album entitled by the same name as your band. Is it your first album or are there any other releases before it? Have you played in any other band before 1996?
Alexander: This is our debut album, so there are not any previous releases. I was in a band around 1993 called IMMORTALLY DECEASED and after that I formed a band called FLESH EMPEROR. I met Brent then.
Brent: I played in a band called DECAYER which was originally formed in 1985 and lasted until 1993. After that I then joined FLESH EMPEROR where I met Alex.
Gord: My first band was FLESHLESS, but things didn't work out. I really enjoyed their music but HORDE OF WORMS played better music and were a more established band.
Let's talk about your very original sound... How you got it? What effects did you use to make such an unusual distorting guitar-sound?
Gord: You really can't explain a good sound. We just plug in, kick the distortion pedal and play!!
I'm really impressed by the cover of the CD. What the hell is it? Have this cover any connection with the music or ideology HORDE OF WORMS stands for?
Alexander: The front cover is a picture of a solar flare captured passing by the earth at 52 Million M.P.H. Yes, because the solar flare is blistering fast!!!
You used drum machine on your album. Will you find a drummer instead of drum machine?
Alexander: Yes we used a drum machine because we were originally planning just to be a studio band. However things have changed and we now want to play live and are presently looking for a drummer.
What is your lyrics about? Are there any ideology behind your lyrics or it's just lyrics about your life-experiences?
Alexander: The lyrics are mainly bizarre fantasy based horror stories. No there is not too much ideology in the lyrics. As for personal experiences the song " Of Ice and Wind " was written after I had to walk through a brutal snowstorm!!
The CD was out on BLOODBUCKET Productions which is your own label exactly. What can you tell us about its bands, releases, merchandise... Are there any new releases coming out soon on BLOODBUCKET Productions?
Alexander: This is the first release on BLOODBUCKET PRODUCTIONS. We have some merchandise shirts, stickers, etc... We are looking for unique and brutal bands too! As for upcoming releases the new HORDE OF WORMS will rip the faces off humanity in early 1999. Also in association with DEADSIX COMMUNICATIONS the debut album from NOISECORE FREAK. Beware the Worms!!
I heard about new CD titled "Dreams and Dying Eyes" in progress. When it will come and will be any changes in your style musically or lyrically there?
Brent: Our new album "Dreams and Dying Eyes" is due out in early 1999. You can expect better song writting (H.o.W. style) with more intensity and faster pace, as well as a better production!
What bands you prefer to listen nowadays and what bands had influenced HORDE OF WORMS? What do you think is the strongest release of this year?
Brent: Our listening pleasures cover a wide variety of styles, from old school Black/Death, Modern Black/Death, Grindcore, Classical, Industrial and Classic Rock. The best release of 1998 aside from our album is the new CRYPTOPSY "Whisper Supremacy".
Briefly tell us something about the Canadian underground scene. What bands, labels, distributors and 'zines can you recommend for us?
Alexander: The Canadian underground has never gone away but it is flourishing now with some really original and brutal bands like: CRYPTOPSY, HORDE OF WORMS, NECRONOMICON, BLOOD OF CHRIST, CONQUEROR, SUMMERTIME DAISIES, TRAUMATISM, FLESH FEAST, SACREMENTARY ABOLISHMENT, etc... As for contacts CIVILIAN DEATH NETWORK (Windsor) and WARFARE RECORDS (Montreal) are good contacts here in Canada. The best Canadian zine is UNRESTRAINED! They distro too!
Your opinion concerning:
a.) hatred
Gord: I hate everyone and everything about today's world! There are too many fucking people on this planet, we need another Ice Age!!!
b.) swedish blasphemers HYPOCRISY and Peter Tägtgren's projects THE ABYSS and PAIN
Alexander: I really like HYPOCRISY especially the older albums but I like the ABYSS albums better!!
c.) the new album of KATAKLYSM "Victims of this fallen world"
Chris: I don't like it at all! I don't see why a band that was so brutal decided to change their style of playing???!!!
d.) satanism
Chris: I am Satan and that's that!
e.) the German Thrash Triumvirat: DESTRUCTION, KREATOR and SODOM
Brent: My biggest influences. If it wasn't for these bands and the mighty BATHORY and VENOM, I'm not sure what the extreme musick scene would be like, if any!!
f.) sexual maniacs
All: Yes we are! What's the next question!!!!!!!!
Explain us the meaning of your style: Canadian Blast Metal.
Alexander: It can be summed up like this. It is where we are from (Canada), it is what we do (We fucking Blast!) and it is what we are all about (Metal!). We cannot be lumped into a specific genre.
Are there any shocking plans for the near future you would like to mention here?
Alexander: We will find a drummer!!! We plan to take the underground by storm!
Last horde of words is yours...
Alexander: Thank you ENCOMIUM for being a supporter of the TRUE underground. Buy our albums! And BEWARE OF WORMS!!! HAIL.

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