DEMENTOR is one of the most ambitious band from our neighbour - SLOVAKIA. It's stand in the same line with such Czechs and Slovaks as KRABATHOR, PATHOLOGY STENCH, MASTER'S HAMMER, etc. I want to say that the music of DEMENTOR is much better than the music of some US and western bands which more famous. It is good that in eastern Europe such great bands are rise. I have a talk with René (guitar/vocals) and he told some interesting facts about his band.

DEMENTOR - Band Photo
DEMENTOR plays this stuff from 1988. Describe us the main movements of the development since 1988.
- DEMENTOR started its existence in 1988 like a three member band. I arrived in 1991. We recorded our first demo in 1992. Its name is "Zanik..." or "The extinction of christianity" in English language. Next demo arose in 1993 and it was entitled "Morbid infection". In that time we were becoming more known in Slovakia and in Czech republic because our scenes had strong relationship. In 1994 Slovakian label I.S.P. offered us deal for the recording of MC album. It was edited in the same year and this MC has name "The church dies". The whole edition (1000 pcs) was sold out and distributed in many European and another labels. In this time we had a lot of personal changes and problems with line-up. Our next recording was effected later than we wanted. In 1997 was recorded our material for our first CD "Kill the thought on Christ". It was edited under I.S.P. again. The whole edition (1200 pcs) is out and the second (500) is ready. We have written our new material and we are going to record it in July. The actual line-up of DEMENTOR is: René Blahušiak - guitar & vocals, Roman Calpas - guitar, Holloshman - drums and Miro Kucej - bass.
As we know all music and lyrics of DEMENTOR written by you and why the other members doesn't write it?
- I wrote the whole material on CD "Kill the thought on Christ". At that time when we write those songs I was only guitarist and I musted to make it. At present DEMENTOR has got two guitarists but Roman has written just one song from his arrival by today. It will be used for our 2nd CD "The art of blasphemy". I don't forbid him to write it. Maybe he don't has enough of ideas.
Your lyrics tell about antichristianity. Do you consider yourselves satanists or nihilists?
- I consider me an atheist. I can't speak behalf another members but we don't like christian church. I'm not satanist or nihilist. We don't use satanism in our lyrics. Maybe we'll use some satanic symbols on the cover of our new CD to provocate christians. I think the man shouldn't believe in something fanaticaly like believe most of christians in their god. Although their belief preaches peace and love they are able to kill for their church.
On the new album you have a coverversion from TUBLATANKA. What was the reason for it?
- We wanted to make a cover song of some rock band. We like cover songs which aren't exactly like the original and which are covered to the other style. Here I want to mention VADER's "I feel you". We wanted to make something similar. The original song "Prometheus" is quite other. It sounds like rock song. Although we didn't change any guitar riffs our version is pure death metal.
DEMENTOR - Kill The Thought On Christ
How many times a week you have rehearsals? Have any difficulties you live in different towns?
- It is according with our drummer's work. He works in afternoons too. Generaly we have rehearsals 3-4 times in the week. Three of DEMENTOR members live in the same town. Our drummer's town is 20 km far from Puchov but travelling don't make him problem.
Have you any hobbies beside the music? Does the music the part of your life? Can you imagine the life without it?
- We have hobby beside DEMENTOR. That is listening to the music. We don't have time to do something seriously. The each member of the band works and the work eats us most of day. When you arrive home you are tired. You must to find the power to make something other. I think music is the part of our life. It is very difficult to say if I can imagine the life without the music because I don't know how long DEMENTOR will be active but the music will be part of my life...
What is your opinion about modern technics and computers?
- It's good for people. It's the improvement of the life. I'm sorry I don't understand computers but that thing is OK.
How many gigs you play ? What is the reason for you to play?
- We don't play a lot of concerts. It is 15-20 shows every year. We play mostly in Slovakia and Czech but we have played some gigs in Ukraine, Latvia, Russia and in Germany. We like playing concerts. It is very exciting when the people like our music. It's the best satisfaction for the years of playing of this music.
DEMENTOR - The Art Of Blasphemy
The lyrics of the first demo was in Slovakian. Have you any difficulties to write English lyrics? How many languages do you know?
- Well. The first demo was recorded in Slovak because we weren't able to sing in English. Later we let to translate the lyrics in English for the 2nd demo because Slovak isn't the right language for this kind of music. We didn't know English very long. We had a lot of problems with this thing because we always had to ask someone to translate us lyrics and interviews. But at present I have been learning English and if you understand it's good. English helps me and makes me a lot of things easier. I can answer interviews in this language. Beside English I can speak on German and a little on Russian.
What bands you prefer to listen nowadays and what bands had influenced DEMENTOR?
- Nowadays I like listening of MORBID ANGEL. They are absolutely perfect. I also prefer the following bands: DEICIDE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, SUFFOCATION, VADER, LUCIFERION, MALEVOLENT CREATION, IMMORTAL, EMPEROR, ROTTEN SOUND, INFERNAL TORMENT, UNNATURAL etc. DEMENTOR is influenced with the most of these bands and also with some older bands like VENOM, CELTIC FROST, DEATH, PESTILENCE................
When you shall release your new album? And will it be Death Metal 'cause it seems to me nowadays many bands changes their style from Death Metal to Black, Doom or hardcore. For example MORGOTH, ATROCITY, GRAVE etc.
- We had to record the new album in June 25th till 30th. But the sound engineer of PRO ART studio offered us changing of the date. We are going to record it in July 18th definitely. We have prepared nine songs of the fast death metal and you haven't be afraid of changing of our style. Our new stuff is faster and brutaler than our last release. I'm not interested in the mentioned bands in the present but their old albums are very good. For instance GRAVE "Soulless". (Yes, you're right. I'm very like their old stuffs too. - ed.)
Last words? Any messages to the readers.
- Thank you very much for this interview. Stay brutal!

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