There are some very good things brewing in the Atheist camp. So I asked Kelly Shaefer to talk about all of their plans for the near future. Now scroll down to find the great news!!!

Hi Kelly! Since you haven't released new material from Atheist in quite some time, my question is, are you currently working on new songs, and if so, when do you plan to record/release a new album?
- Most definitely working on new stuff now, I personally have a ton of stuff written, and I'm working with my band members with stuff they have written, we have had a contractual snag that has held us up for several years. We hope to have it sorted out so we can deliver a record in 2024.
Musically, where do you intend to turn this time? Are you continuing the path of the "Jupiter" record or taking a completely different direction?
- I can tell you that is never something we "think" about, I just write what I wanna hear, shit that makes me interested to listen to. Same with lyrical topics. I truly never know till I put pen to paper what topic I might dive into. And many times I learn what my intention is after its written. I like that unknown factor, it creates proper tension.
Who are lining up next to you now and what is worth knowing about the new members? Will there be a difference between the line-up for recording the album and playing the shows live?
- I have a tremendous group of amazing young musicians that are more talented than any incarnation of the band to date in my opinion. Sky is the limit for what we will be able to create and that is super exciting to me as a writer and arranger. Dylan Marks drums, Yoav Ruiz-Feingold bass, Jerry Witunsky and Alex Haddad on guitars. We did a north American tour together early in 2023 and they executed this music to perfection. In many ways better than it's ever been played live. So yes the new album will be with this crew of super talented guys.
Speaking of concerts, where do you plan to perform live in 2024? Maybe some extensive US and European tours are planned as well? What songs can fans expect from you live?
- We just announced a co headlining European/UK tour with Cryptopsy that starts in Berlin in late February. We will also be playing the sold out Maryland Death Fest pre party in May of 2024, we have a crushing set of songs from the first 3 records celebrating the 30 yr. anniversaries of those 3 records. Including songs that had rarely if ever been performed over the years. It's a blast!
Nuclear Blast Records reissued your back catalog this summer. How do you personally like these new vinyl & CD reissues compared to the original or the Season of Mist versions?
- Oh man, they did an incredible job on these reissues. The splatter vinyl is gorgeous, each of them amazing! As well the CD covers and colors of each are different than any of the other reissues from the past. Truly collectable. Nuclear Blast did a really great job. We also made the catalog available for streaming for the 1st time in years through our deal with NB.
Interestingly, your new band Till the Dirt's debut album, "Outside the Spiral", was also released around this time on Nuclear Blast. In addition to the actual Atheist members, it also features a number of guest musicians. How did you come up with the ideas for this project? The music has a rather modern flavor. How would you personally describe the music of Till the Dirt to the readers?
- TTD came about as I was trapped like many during COVID in 2020. I set myself up a home studio and began writing like crazy, today's technology allows for the ability to make high quality recordings from the comfort of home. So I wrote about 25 songs with no intensions of a mission. It was just so much fun, it became an obsession, each night writing something new. It was unlike anything I had written before, and so long story short I sent demos around to friends and when Scott Burns heard the demos he came on board to help me pull it all together and Till the Dirt became a reality, and Monte Conner and Nuclear Blast became the home for the debut album. "Outside the Spiral" for better or worse it is a super unique collection of influences that I have, that I had never combined in any other musical venture I have been a part of. I'm super proud of it, and hope everyone will check it out.

What does the extreme music scene look like in Sarasota these days? What new bands would you recommend from your area? Do you have a favorite record store or metal venue there?
- Well, Sarasota is not a metal mecca, never was. We are about an hour south of Tampa and that's where we sort of built our dream back in the late 80s. Daddy Kool Records is a staple on the west coast of Florida, and has been since the early 80s and still thrives to this day. Favorite venues include Jannus Landing, The Orpheum, as well as the Brass Mug.
Speaking of records, which bands have impressed you with their music recently, name the last record you bought?
- Well, I find myself streaming most new music first, I don't even have a CD player in my car lol. I have such a diverse taste in music it would take me a while. Many great bands these days and a lot of garbage as well.
Your relationship with Scott Burns goes back quite a long time. Have you had a chance to read the recently published book about his activities? If so, what do you think of the book's content?
- Oh yes, indeed, I interviewed extensively with David for the book as many from the Morrisound days did. I could not be happier to see Scott's success. No one deserves the attention more than him. He was such an important part of the classic early days of death metal. David E. Gehlke did a tremendous job on this book. Setting the record straight on so many metal myths. As well as capturing unheard stories from so many sessions that happened at Morrisound! Great book!!!
Thank you Kelly for taking the time to answer my questions. If something important has been left out, please write it at the end.
- Thank you to all who have supported Atheist and Till the Dirt. Can't wait to see everyone on tour in 2024.