Hail metal maniacs!!! Please dive into the latest interview with Andy Brings about the reissues of Sodom's "Tapping the Vein" album and support the true spirit of the underground!!! Let the metal flow eternally!!!

New reviews added 25.03.2025:

New interview added 16.02.2025:
Fans of sophisticated death metal are in for a pleasant surprise with Retromorphosis' debut album, so I asked guitarist Jonas Bryssling to talk in detail about their new work. Now read on and absorb the essence of our conversation!!!
Recent interviews:
VRAG (21.12.2024), EARTHBURNER (17.12.2024), HALIPHRON (9.12.2024), LOUDBLAST (8.12.2024), GORGON (5.12.2024), ASSASSIN (28.10.2024), SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION (19.10.2024), BRUTALLY DECEASED (12.10.2024), FEKETEFAGY (11.10.2024), MALIGNANCY (27.09.2024), MERCYLESS (26.09.2024), MASSACRE (6.09.2024), DISMEMBER (5.03.2024), KAIVS (1.03.2024), BRODEQUIN (28.01.2024), HYPOXIA (19.01.2024)

New interview added 2.02.2025:
The first interview of 2025 is with none other than Andy Brings. The occasion is, of course, last year's reissue of Sodom's classic thrash metal masterpiece "Tapping the Vein", originally released in 1992. Andy revealed some very interesting details from that era, including all the hard work that went into making the reissues, and at the end of the interview he mentioned some very exciting news that I think will be welcomed by all Sodom fans worldwide. Now scroll down and enjoy our conversation!!!

New interview added 27.12.2024:
I am delighted to present the following in-depth interview with Robert Pieptan from Insepultus. He gave us all the details of his masterful debut album and also talked about the future of Insepultus. Now join us on the paths of horror and despair.

Underground bands, labels, 'zines send any promo material for review.
Everything (demos, albums, vinyls, 'zines, videos, etc.) will be reviewed.
Latest printed issue:
I am happy to present you the 10th printed issue of Encomium 'zine. 44 pages of A4 format featuring interviews with ASSASSIN, BRODEQUIN, BRUTALLY DECEASED, DISMEMBER, EARTHBURNER, FEKETEFAGY, GORGON, HALIPHRON, HYPOXIA, INSEPULTUS, KAIVS, LOUDBLAST, MALIGNANCY, MASSACRE, MERCYLESS, SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION, VRAG and the usual pile of reviews!!! Diehard underground maniacs can order the printed version for the price of 6,66 (plus postage) or equivalent by sending an e-mail to: kornel.kontros@gmail.com! Spread the word!!!

This site is eternally dedicated to:
Chuck Schuldiner
13.05.1967 - 13.12.2001
Time is a thing we must accept.
The unexpected I sometimes fear.
Just when I feel there's no
excuse for what happens,
things fall into place.
I know there is no way to
avoid the pain that we must
go through, to find the other
half that is true.
Destiny is what we all seek.
Destiny was waiting for you and me.
I believe behind confusion,
awaits the truth for us.
Past the obstacles we face.
I value our life and trust.
Years of questioning why
things happen the way they do in life.
Wishing that I could turn back
time, so we could join our souls.

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